
This module defines the StoG class that tries to replicate the previous stog program behavior in an organized fashion with the ability to re-construct the workflow.

exception pystog.stog.NoInputFilesException[source]

Exception when no files are given to process

class pystog.stog.StoG(**kwargs)[source]

The StoG class is used to put together the Converter, Transformer, and FourierFilter class functionalities to reproduce the original stog Fortran program behavior. This class is meant to put together the functionality of the classes into higher-level calls to construct workflows for merging and processing multiple recprical space functions into a final output real space function.

This pythonized-version of the original Fortran stog uses numpy for data storage, organization, and manipulation “under the hood”.

>>> import json
>>> from pystog import StoG
>>> with open("../data/examples/argon_pystog.json", 'r') as f:
>>>     kwargs = json.load(f)
>>> stog = StoG(**kwargs)
>>> stog.read_all_data()
>>> stog.merge_data()
>>> stog.write_out_merged_data()

The title of the G_{Keen Version}(r) with all corrections applied.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function
add_dataset(info, yscale=1.0, yoffset=0.0, xoffset=0.0, ydecimals=16, **kwargs)[source]

Takes the info with the dataset and manipulations, such as scales, offsets, cropping, etc., and creates an invidual numpy array for the pattern.

  • info (dict) – Dict with information for dataset (filename, manipulations, etc.)
  • yscale (float) – Scale factor for the Y data (i.e. S(Q), F(Q), etc.)
  • yoffset (float) – Offset factor for the Y data (i.e. S(Q), F(Q), etc.)
  • xoffset – Offset factor for the X data (i.e. Q)

Appends a file to the file list

Parameters:new_file (str) – New file name to append
Returns:File list with appended new_file
Return type:list
apply_lorch(q, sq, r)[source]

Performs the Fourier transform using the Lorch dampening correction on the merged S(Q) from the sq_master dictionary to generate the desired real space function with this correction. The results from both reciprocal space and real space are:

  1. Saved back to the respective “master” dictionaries
  2. Saved to files via the stem_name
  3. Returned from function
  • q (numpy.array or list) – Q-space vector
  • sq (numpy.array or list) – S(Q) vector
  • r (numpy.array or list) – r-space vector

Returns a tuple with r and selected real space function

Return type:

tuple of numpy.array

static apply_scales_and_offset(x, y, dy=None, yscale=1.0, yoffset=0.0, xoffset=0.0)[source]

Applies scales to the Y-axis and offsets to both X and Y axes.

  • x (numpy.array or list) – X-axis data
  • y (numpy.array or list) – Y-axis data
  • yscale (float) – Y-axis scale factor
  • yoffset (float) – Y-axis offset factor
  • xoffset (float) – X-axis offset factor

X and Y vectors after scales and offsets applied

Return type:

numpy.array pair


The average coherent scattering length, squared: \langle b_{coh} \rangle^2 = ( \sum_{i} c_{i} b_{coh,i} ) ( \sum_{i} c_{i} b^*_{coh,i} ) where the subscript i implies for atom type i, c_{i} is the concentration of i, b_{coh,i} is the coherent scattering length of i, and b^*_{coh,i} is the complex coherent scattering length of i

The real part of the b_{coh,i} term can be found from the Coh b column of the NIST neutron scattering length and cross section table found here:

Units are in fm in the table for the b_{coh,i} term. Thus, \langle b_{coh} \rangle^2 has units of fm^2 (and what PyStoG expects). NOTE: 100 fm^2 == 1 barn.

Getter:Return the value of \langle b_{coh} \rangle^2
Setter:Set the value for \langle b_{coh} \rangle^2

The average coherent scattering length, squared: \langle b_{tot}^2 \rangle = \sum_{i} c_{i} b_{tot,i}^2 = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \sum_i c_{i} \sigma_{tot,i} where the subscript i implies for atom type i, c_{i} is the concentration of i and \sigma_{tot,i} is the total cross-section of i

The real part of the b_{coh,i} term can be found from the Scatt xs column of the NIST neutron scattering length and cross section table found here:

Units are in barn (=100 fm^2) in the table for the \sigma_{tot,i} term. Thus, you must multiply \sum_{i} c_{i} b_{tot,i}^2 by 100 to go from barn to fm^2 (what PyStoG expects).

Getter:Return the value of \sum_{i} c_{i} b_{tot,i}^2
Setter:Set the value for \sum_{i} c_{i} b_{tot,i}^2
converter = None

The converter attribute defines the Converter which is used to do all inner conversions necessary to go from the input reciprocal space functions, produce diagnostics for the selected real space functions, and finally output the desired real space function Must of type pystog.converter.Converter


The number density used (atoms/\AA^{3}) used for the \rho_{0} term in the equations

Getter:Return the density value
Setter:Set the density value

The real space function X axis data, r-space vector

Getter:Return the r vector
Setter:Set the r vector

Extend the file list with a list of new files

Parameters:new_files – List of new files
Returns:File list extended by new_files
Return type:list

The files that contain the reciprocal space data to merge together.

Getter:Current list of files to merge
Setter:Set the list of files to merg
filter = None

The filter attribute defines the FourierFilter which is used to do all Fourier filtering if the fourier_filter_cutoff attribute is supplied. Must of type pystog.fourier_filter.FourierFilter


Performs the Fourier filter on the sq_master pattern to generate the desired real space function with this correction. The results from both reciprocal space and real space are:

  1. Saved back to the respective “master” dictionaries
  2. Saved to files via the stem_name
  3. Returned from function
Returns:Returns a tuple with r, the selected real space function, Q, and S(Q) functions
Return type:tuple of numpy.array

This sets the cutoff in r-space for the Fourier filter. The minimum is automatically 0.0. Thus, from 0.0 to fourier_filter_cutoff is reverse transfomed, subtracted in reciprocal space, and then the difference is back-transformed.

See pystog.fourier_filter.FourierFilter for more information.

Getter:Return currently set cutoff value
Setter:Set cutoff value

The title of the F(Q) function after merging and a fourier filter correction.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

The title for the real space function after both merging and a fourier filter correction

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

The title for the real space function with the lorch correction

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

The “master” dictionary for the real space functions that are generated for each processing step.

Getter:Returns the current “master” real space functions dictionary generated up to the current step in the workflow.
Setter:Sets the “master” real space function dictionary

The title of the real space function directly after merging the reciprocal space functions without any further corrections.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

This sets the option to perform the Lorch dampening correction for the Q range. Generally, will help reduce Fourier “ripples”, or AKA “Gibbs phenomenon”, due to discontinuity at Q_{max} if the reciprocal space function is not at the Q -> \infty limit. Yet, will also broaden real space function peaks, possibly dubiously.

See pystog.transformer.Transformer fourier_transform and _low_x_correction methods for where this is applied.

Getter:Return bool of applying the Lorch dampening correction
Setter:Set whether the correction is applied or not

This sets the option to perform a low-Q correction for the omitted Q range.

See pystog.transformer.Transformer _low_x_correction method for more information.

Getter:Return bool of applying the low-Q correction
Setter:Set whether the correction is applied or not

Merges the reciprocal space data stored in the reciprocal_individuals numpy array into a single, merged recirocal space function. Stores the S(Q) result in sq_master dictionary using sq_title (default: “S(Q) Merged”).

Also, converts this merged S(Q) into Q[S(Q)-1] via the Converter class and applies any modification specified in merged_opts dict attribute, specified by the ‘Q[S(Q)-1]’ key of the dict. If there is modification, this modified Q[S(Q)-1] will be converted to S(Q) and replace the S(Q) directly after merge.

Example dict of merged_opts for scaling of S(Q) by 2 and then offsetting Q[S(Q)-1] by 5:

    "Merging": {
        "Y": {
            "Offset": 0.0,
            "Scale": 2.0
        "Q[S(Q)-1]": {
            "Y": "Offset": 5.0,
            "Scale": 1.0


This sets the options to perform after merging the reciprocal space functions together, such as an overall offset and scale.

Getter:Return the options currently set
Setter:Set the options for the merged pattern

The “master” dictionary for the domain :math:Q` of the reciprocal space functions that are generated for each processing step.

Getter:Returns the current “master” Q reciprocal space functions dictionary generated up to the current step in the workflow.
Setter:Sets the “master” Q dictionary

The Q_{max} value to use for the Fourier transforms (from recirocal space -> real space). This overrides xmax attribute if qmax < xmax.

Getter:Returns the current set value
Setter:Set the qmax value for the Fourier transforms

The Q_{min} value to use for the Fourier transforms (from recirocal space -> real space). This overrides xmin attribute if xmin < qmin.

Getter:Returns the current set value
Setter:Set the Q_{min} value for the Fourier transforms

The title of the Q[S(Q)-1] function directly after merging the reciprocal space functions without any further corrections.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

The “master” dictionary for the domain :math:r` of the real space functions that are generated for each processing step.

Getter:Returns the current “master” r real space functions dictionary generated up to the current step in the workflow.
Setter:Sets the “master” r dictionary

The \Delta r for the r-space vector

Getter:Return \Delta r value
Setter:Set the \Delta r value and update r-space vector via the dr attribute

Reads all the data from the files attribute Uses the read_dataset method on each file.

Will append all datasets to the numpy storage array, reciprocal_individuals, and also convert to S(Q) and add to the sq_individuals numpy storage array in add_dataset method via read_dataset method.

read_dataset(info, xcol=0, ycol=1, dycol=2, sep='\\s+', skiprows=2, **kwargs)[source]

Reads an individual file and uses the add_dataset method to apply all dataset manipulations, such as scales, offsets, cropping, etc.

  • info (dict) – Dict with information for dataset (filename, manipulations, etc.)
  • xcol (int) – Column in data file for X-axis
  • ycol (int) – Column in data file for Y-axis
  • dycol (int) – Column in data file for Y uncertainty
  • sep (raw string) – Separator for the file used by numpy.loadtxt
  • skiprows (int) – Number of rows to skip. Passed to numpy.loadtxt

The real space function to use throughoutt the processing

Getter:Returns the currently select real space function
Setter:Set the selected real space function and updates other title attributes that rely on this in their name.

The storage array for the input reciprocal space functions loaded from files and with the loading processing from add_dataset class method.

Getter:Returns the current individual, input reciprocal space functions numpy array. The dimenions is 3 x N*M where N is the number of patterns stored and M is the length of the patterns.
Setter:Sets the numpy array

The R_{max} valuefor the r-space vector

Getter:Return R_{max} value
Setter:Set the R_{max} value and update r-space vector via the dr attribute

The R_{min} valuefor the r-space vector

Getter:Return R_{min} value
Setter:Set the R_{min} value and update r-space vector via the dr attribute

The title of the S(Q) function after merging and a fourier filter correction.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

The storage array for the S(Q) generated from each input reciprocal space dataset in reciprocal_individuals array.

Getter:Returns the current individual S(Q) reciprocal space functions numpy array. The dimenions is 3 x N*M where N is the number of patterns stored and M is the length of the patterns.
Setter:Sets the numpy array

The “master” dictionary for the S(Q) reciprocal space functions that are generated for each processing step.

Getter:Returns the current “master” S(Q) reciprocal space functions dictionary generated up to the current step in the workflow.
Setter:Sets the “master” S(Q) function dictionary

The title of the S(Q) function directly after merging the reciprocal space functions without any further corrections.

Getter:Returns the current title for this function
Setter:Sets the title for this function

A stem name to prefix for all output files. Replicates the stog Fortran program behavior.

Getter:Return the currently set stem name
Setter:Set the stem name for output files

Performs the Fourier transform on the merged sq_master pattern to generate the desired real space function with this correction. The results for real space are: the domain is saved to the r_master dictionary and the range is saved to the gr_master dictionary, with both using the gr_title for the key of the dictionaries.

transformer = None

The transformer attribute defines the Transformer which is used to do all Fourier transforms necessary from reciprocal space to real space and vice versa. Must of type pystog.transformer. Transformer


Helper function for writing out the Fourier filter correction.

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the Fourier filtered real space function

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the Fourier filtered S(Q)

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the Lorch dampened real space function

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the merged real space function

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the merged S(Q)

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the output F(Q)

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

Helper function for writing out the output G_{Keen Version}(Q)

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to write to

The maximum X value of all datasets to use for Fourier transforms (from recirocal space -> real space)

Getter:Returns the current set value
Setter:Set the xmax value for the Fourier transforms

The minimum X value of all datasets to use for Fourier transforms (from recirocal space -> real space)

Getter:Returns the current set value
Setter:Set the xmin value for the Fourier transforms