

  • Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 are tested)
  • numpy

Using PyPI

Installation is available via pip.

pip install pystog

or for a local install

pip install pystog --user #locally installed in $HOME/.local

Using python

A is available to install but it is recommended to do this in a virtual environment. For system install, use PyPi instead.

python install


For a development environment, you can use virtualenv to setup an isolated environemnt, namely ENV:

python -m virtualenv /path/to/ENV
source /path/to/ENV/bin/activate
pip install pystog

Also, direnv is a useful and recommended way to manage the virtual environment. You can simply use an .envrc file which contains layout python<version> where <version> == 2 or 3 for the python version you would like (3 is recommended).

Then, once inside the development directory, just install via pip as described above.


From the parent directory of the module, run:

python tests/